Song Recordings
Have you written a song and need a professional recording to showcase your song. We can help.
At Backroad Music we understand how difficult it can be to get that song out of your head onto a high quality recording. We also know choosing the right studio and musicians to help you with your project can be daunting, especially if you're new to songwriting.
At Backroad Music we are songwriters. We know the melody may not always come with the lyric, and sometimes the lyric doesn't always flow immediately with the melody. Sometimes that last verse just eludes you.
We are big on collaboration. It's the best way to get the creative juices flowing. Lyric structure and arrangement is crucial to the outcome of a solid demo recording.
With our Ocala demo production services we offer collaboration at no extra cost and no strings attached. We want to help you get the best finished recording of your song possible.
If you are sitting on unfinished songs, because you can't seem to get that last line to come out, don't let that stop you from moving forward.
Start the process of recording your song demo, and watch the creative juices flow. Sometimes new ideas from other musicians and writers is just what the doctor ordered.

Songwriting Assistance
We like helping other people, and we like making music. So, it's a no-brainer. I'm good with spending time helping others get their music closer to their vision. It's very rewarding to see someone's joy over the completion of a music project.
Our Ocala demo production team believes lyrics are very important, and songwriting should have a positive purpose; one that helps others. If the song is pure, decent and honest, we will be onboard to produce a great demo.
I'm not saying songs have to be upbeat all the time, or make everything seem ok when it's not. For instance, A sad song can help someone get through a tough time by relating to their problem, and thereby providing them an outlet for their emotions. The same way a happy song helps people channel happy emotions. Like the Bible says, "Rejoice with those who are happy and cry with those who are sad".
Writing should always take the well-being of others into account. This will keep your song in a positive place, no matter how sad it may sound. Our minds are able to sift through the noise and get to the intent.